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An Exclusive Book from Yeditepe University for the Centenary of the Republic

Yeditepe Üniversitesi’nden Cumhuriyet’in Yüzüncü Yılına Özel Kitap

Exclusively crafted for the 100th anniversary of our Republic, the book "State, Eternity, Duration in the 100th Year of Our Republic" has been published by Yeditepe University Publishing House. The book unfolds the 100-year journey of the Republic of Turkiye for its readers.

Under the leadership of Bedrettin Dalan, Founder and Honorary President of Yeditepe University, the book was prepared for publication by Prof. Dr. Tülay Âlim Baran, Director of the Institute of Atatürk's Principles and History of Turkish Revolution, and Dr. Burcu Özbay, Deputy Director. The book, which rejuvenates our memories of the 100-year history of our Republic, our most significant source of pride and trust, begins with the Lausanne Peace Treaty signed on July 24, 1923.

From the proclamation of the Republic to the adoption of the Revolutionary Laws, from the abolition of the Caliphate to the closure of dervish lodges, lodges, and tombs, from the Izmir Economic Congress to the foundation of the İş Bank and the inauguration of factories, the book tells the reader about many essential developments in the first years of the Republic, year by year. The book, created by meticulously combing all archives, is a unique historical source.

Dalan: Atatürk Continued the Tradition of "Eternal Duration"

In the book's foreword, Bedrettin Dalan asserts that Mustafa Kemal Atatürk continued the "Eternal Duration" tradition by establishing the Republic of Turkey in place of the fallen state where he had previously served as an officer. Dalan elaborates on this point further, stating:

"Throughout history, Turks have always existed with a state, thus guaranteeing their eternal existence. The modern Turkish nation and Turkish states worldwide owe their existence to the establishment of the modern Republic of Turkey in Anatolia. Ataturk's words, "One day my humble body will turn to dust, but the Turkish Republic will stand forever." summarize the deep-rooted Turkish tradition emphasizing the eternal continuity of the state."

Baran: Mustafa Kemal is This Nation's Biggest Chance

Prof. Dr. Tülay Âlim Baran stated, “With the Republic heralded in 1923, we take pride today as we did 100 years ago, bearing it as the most beautiful expression of our new life. We know our future can be securely and robustly built only through the Republic's inclusive, egalitarian, and honorable guardianship.” Prof. Dr. Tülay Âlim Baran noted the following about the preparation process of the book:

“Through this book, we have intended to delve into the critical moments of the 100-year history of the Republic bestowed upon us. The most significant challenge in compiling this information was briefly summarizing the developments that permeated every aspect of life in a newborn and war-weary nation, effecting transformative and ennobling changes. In the course of this endeavor, aimed at refreshing our collective memory, recounting achievements and advancements in arts, sports, education, health, law, foreign policy, and the significant progress in the status of Turkish women elicited a sense of gratitude towards the Republic. Witnessing the construction of a nation infused with modern values, we couldn't help repeatedly express our appreciation for the Republic. Observing the abundance of positive aspects and compelling topics for discussion and documentation, we can unequivocally remark that MUSTAFA KEMAL stands as this country's greatest asset, both at its inception and as a lasting legacy.”