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Knowledge Center - New Subscription | PHYSİOPLUS

Dear Library Patrons !!!

The Information Center has included PHYSIOPLUS subscription, which includes audiovisual resources, to the electronic resource collection.

As the Information Center, we wanted to share this information with you.

Database Name: PHYSİOPLUS

Access Details:

PHYSIOPLUS is building a platform that provides physiotherapists worldwide with the resources they need to support their lifelong careers. Launched in 2015, Physioplus is on a mission to strengthen the global physiotherapy profession. Thousands of physiotherapists around the world are using Physioplus to raise their careers and our common profession.

Physioplus database can be accessed via COADSYS (Moodle). In order for the students to access this platform, the faculty members of the related course must first integrate PHYSİOPLUS - COADSYS (Moodle). Our valuable academics will need to follow the steps in the guide titled “PHYSİOPLUS Moodle Integration Guide” to ensure integration.

Students will need to follow the steps in the guide titled “PHYSİOPLUS-COADSYS (Moodle) Student Guide” to access the Physioplus database.

For detailed information, please send an e-mail to

Yeditepe University
Knowledge Center

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