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Knowledge Center - Trial Access | Dalloz FR - Dalloz Bibliotheque - Dalloz Revue

Dear Library Patrons !!!

Trial Access to / Dalloz Bibliotheque / Dalloz Revues are active October 15th.

On -site Access :

*Dalloz FR

*Dalloz Bibliotheque

*Dalloz Revue


Off -site access

*Dalloz FR

Login: DALma469f6

Password: 383784


*Dalloz Bibliotheque

Login: DALma469f6

Password: 383784


*Dalloz Revue

Login: DALma469f6

Password: 383784

* more than 60 codes

* 23 journals

* 12 directories of the Encyclopedia

* 18 professional reference books

* Legal News Archives

* More than 1.800.000 jurisprudence references

* Interactive Forms for Civil, Commercial, Criminal and Administrative Procedures

* 1200 orientation sheets to rapidly assimilate unfamiliar law areas(definition, summary of the Notion, reference texts, jurisprudence decisions, news, bibliography)



  1. Civil Law
  2. Business and Corporative Law
  3. Non Profits
  4. Administrative Law
  5. Administrative Litigation
  6. European & International Law
  7. Labour &Social Law
  8. Criminal Law
  9. Real Estate Law


Dalloz Bibliotheque

* The largest law books catalogue made available online

* More than 2500 ebooks from Dalloz’s major collections. Title list and broshure are enclosed.  Some of the books as follows : Precis, Cours, HyperCours, Lexiques , Mementos, Aide-Memoire, Annales du droit, Dalloz Action, Encyclopedie Delmas …

* Novelties and new editions available as soon as released

* Previous editions also available for consultation


Dalloz Revues

*  More than 30 specialized law journals available online

* All the journals accessible 2-to-10 days prior to paper release


Some of the journals are as follows  : Revue historique de Droit français et étranger, Recueil Dalloz, AJDA, AJ Pénal, RSC, AJ Contrat, AJ Famille …


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