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Policy Statement

1- YEDI Policy Statement

We are committed to provide an equitable, diverse, and inclusive environment to our students, staff and the University community. We recognize the uniqueness of each member of our community and ensure all staff and students feel empowered and respected. This policy specifies the accountabilities and responsibilities for equity, diversity, and inclusion across Yeditepe University. To achieve its goals, the University has established an Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Committee, 7EDI, which is responsible for developing policies and processes, delivering strategic plans, implementing action plans, and monitoring the progress. All constituent parties in the University are accountable to follow and execute these plans and support 7EDI to achieve its objectives. 

2- YEDI Principles

The founding principles of YEDI are as follows:

  1. recapitulating that higher education is a human right
  2. providing equality of opportunity to all staff, students, and other members of the University community 
  3. ensuring all constituencies, prospective staff and students are treated fairly by eliminating unlawful discrimination, harassment, and victimization
  4. creating a learning and workplace environment where all staff and students are supported, welcomed, and valued
  5. promoting equity based and inclusive policies, processes, and cultures
  6. supporting all involved parties to reach their full potential
  7. fostering good relations between people, who share protected characteristics and those who do not 

3- YEDI Aims

The Committee’s aims include, but are not limited to (and are always subject to change);

  1. raising awareness and sensitivity about underrepresented, disadvantaged and vulnerable (unprotected) groups in an understanding of equity, diversity, and inclusion
  2. implementing policies, strategies and practices centered around fundamental principles of equity, diversity, and inclusion
  3. ensuring the formation of an institutional culture and climate based on equity, diversity, and inclusiveness in all activities of the university, 
  4. maintaining coordination with all units and departments of the university working on equity, diversity, and inclusion
  5. establishing communication and cooperation networks with national and international organizations operating in this field
  6. forming subcommittees and, when necessary, working groups to work in line within the scope of the Committee
  7. preparing instructional materials, organizing seminars and workshops, preparing action plans and monitoring progress

4- YEDI Priorities

The priority areas, identified by the Core Group, which are subject to change upon the final composition of the Committee are;

  1. collecting quantitative data with an aim to understand the current state-of-play at the University
  2. supporting data and statistics with qualitative data to build the 7EDI roadmap
  3. establishing the subcommittees of Gender Equality (GE) and Sexual Harassment and Bullying Prevention (SHBP)
  4. preparing the Gender Equality Action Plan (GEP) based on the collected and analyzed data
  5. defining the submission, complaint, investigation, and solution process regarding sexual harassment and bullying and overseeing the process
  6. implementing the GEP and SHBP policies and mechanisms to teaching, service and research
  7. monitoring and improving the implementation of GEP annually 

5- YEDI Definitions

The definitions below apply for the purpose of this Policy and state accountabilities and responsibilities for the progress of strategies and the implementation of priority actions

  1. equity means ensuring that there is a concern with fairness, such that the education of all learners is seen as being of equal importance 
  2. diversity means people’s differences which may relate to their race, ethnicity, gender, language, culture, religion, mental and physical ability, class, and immigration status
  3. inclusion means a process that helps to overcome barriers limiting the presence, participation, and achievement of learners
  4. protected characteristics  mean having a right not to be treated less favourably by reason of that characteristic
  5. vulnerable groups  means physically, mentally, or socially disadvantaged persons who may be unable to meet their basic needs and may therefore require specific assistance
  6. the Core Group means the initiating group of academic and administrative staff establishing the YEDI Committee who share responsibility of preparing, implementing and monitoring the policies and processes in the University
  7. the final responsibility for the establishment, maintenance, and enforcement of the YEDI Policy rests with the Rector of Yeditepe University

6- YEDI Indicators

The metrics set forth by the committee to consider the state of Gender Equality efforts at Yeditepe University are;

  1. overall gender-based data and statistics
  2. academic staff data 
  3. administrative staff data
  4. students’ data
  5. teaching and learning data
  6. research data
  7. management and leadership data

7- YEDI Terms of Reference

The terms of reference approved by the University Academic Board consists of 9 Articles under 4 Chapters including;

  1. aim, scope, legal basis
  2. definitions
  3. composition
  4. objectives and duties
  5. working methods
  6. subcommittees and their duties
  7. final provisions